Sunday, 25 August 2013

COMMERCIAL BREAK: Maxell Tapes (1989)

So... I'm driving home from the shops today, sunroof open, stereo turned up (as you do), and on comes "Israelites" by Desmond Dekker & The Aces. Classic record. You can't help but sing along.

Except... this other set of lyrics pops into my head. Something about "sleeping for bread", "Monks and Beefheads", being "yards too greasy"... and instead of "The Israelites", all I can think of is "Me Ears Are Alight"...

It's all Maxell's fault - it's now 24 years since this ad first appeared, and these words are still in my head. The ad must have worked though - I bought tons of these tapes, as I recently rediscovered when digitising some recordings of John Peel radio shows I made around that time...

Anyway, here is that very ad for your enjoyment. And, if you now have the record (with its alternative lyric) stuck in your brain for days, it'll all be my fault. Sorry.

Maxell still make these, by the way - it seems the humble cassette is enjoying a renaissance as of late...

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