Saturday, 16 November 2013

SINGLE: Eulogys - Hellespont (2013)

Hellespont is the opening track from this Dublin band's double EP, Kingfisher and the Hummingbird.

The melody carries a heavy whiff of traditional Japanese music, with a nice drifting quality to it. This sounds fresh, and yet there's something comfortably familiar about it too. The Hellespont of the title is actually a strait in northern Turkey, known today as the Dardanelles. In Greek mythology, it is where Leander swam to meet with his beloved priestess Hero. I'm assuming that's what the lyrics refer to.

Before this turns into a geography and history lesson, I'll just advise you to head to the Eulogys' page at by clicking here. At the time of writing, you can get Hellespont and the rest of double EP as a free download.

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