Saturday, 26 April 2014

MOVIE: Bloody Homecoming (2013)

Bloody Homecoming

US 2013, 85m, DAVED Productions

DVD: Image Entertainment (UK), Cert 15

A high school accident on Homecoming Night leaves a student dead. Three years later, the students who inadvertently left him in a burning store room find themselves being stalked and slashed...

Yes, all the slasher ingredients are here: The mix of student types (geek, cheerleader, jock, etc), the slightly creepy janitor (played by brit-comedian Jim Tavare) who may or may not be a red herring, a masked stalker, the ineffective head principal, a character who twists her ankle as she tries to escape... You name it, just about every item from the stalk-and-slash ticklist is used. Cliches? Perhaps, but somehow it all works in the movie's favour. Guessing which stock device will crop up next makes the experience all the more enjoyable.

Whilst Bloody Homecoming doesn't bring much new to the table (with the exception of some creative use of a tiara), it's generally well executed and fun, feeling like a film which has been made by slasher fans for slasher fans. If you find yourself in need of some undemanding entertainment, it's well worth a rental.

Original Theatrical Trailer:

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