Monday, 30 December 2013

MOVIE: Witchfinder (2013)


US 2013, 20m, Daredevil Films

Available to watch online at

When a village community enlists a Witchfinder to rid them of a suspected witch, they might have stirred up more than they suspected...

With nods not only to Witchfinder General (1968), but also The Mask Of Satan (1960), Witchfinder is a very pleasing live-action debut for director Colin Clarke, following two animated shorts.

It's a fairly simple tale of witchery and revenge, but perfectly suited to the slim running time. The film's real trump card is an engaging visual design - heavy on autumnal reds, yellows and browns, it strikingly utilises the woodland setting and claustrophobic interiors.

As The Witch, Valerie Meachum is suitably menacing, particularly at the film's climax.

Is this a taster for a more fully fledged project? Let's hope so, as on this evidence Clarke has a great flair for capturing barren landscapes and locations, which is screaming out for a wider canvas. Well worth a look.

You can watch Witchfinder in full, for free at:  

Meanwhile, here's a short taster...

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