Tuesday, 18 August 2020


So, I've been having a bit of a tidy-up around here as this site will be getting a bit of a relaunch soon.

I've been mainly occupied with covering British horror for Spooky Isles over the last year or two, but one cannot live on a diet of vampires, M.R. James and Amicus anthologies alone (although the attempt has certainly been a lot of fun).

Hence, this page will likely become the repository for all the other interesting stuff I come across - the glorious rare psych singles, neglected pop records, forgotten classical recordings, obscure indie chart gems, off-radar sitcoms, weird TV ads, Italian proto-slashers, grimy biker flicks, semi-lost poverty-row films, pre-code Hollywood oddities and all the other delights which make up life's rich tapestry.

Visitors to the film reviews section will notice I've eliminated the scores-out-of-ten on each review - There's enough of this going on across the internet's movie sites without me adding to it. The final straw for me was the realisation that I ranked both Evil Dead II (1986) and Queen Christina (1933) as 10-out-of-10 films (obviously for completely different reasons), and in that context the scoring system struck me as somewhat ridiculous. So, I ditched it.

And then there's the preponderance of rankings articles... Yes, I'm aware that I wrote a scattering of these a while back, but I was never entirely comfortable with it and apologise wholeheartedly. It strikes me as the literary equivalent of letting off a stink bomb in a packed room then doing a runner, so there'll be none of that here.

Anyway, these are matters for ranting about another day. This is all a roundabout way of saying that the page previously known as The Purple Patch Blog is now back in business as the more prosaically named RPJwrites... Thanks for visiting.

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