Sunday, 22 September 2019

Temporary Service Interruption

There's a fair bit of maintenance work happening here at the moment.

The index of film reviews is pretty much up and working, but other areas are still having a much needed overhaul.

There's also been a rebrand of sorts - the page previously known as The Purple Patch now goes by the more prosaic title of RPJwriter.

For those of you who aren't aware, I've unfortunately been bogged down by ill health for a while, which has somewhat curtailed my writing activities. Rest assured, I'm aiming to resume a fairly normal service in the near future.

In the meantime, I hope you like what you find here. Please do drop me a line if you come across any broken links, and I will add them to my "to do" list.

If you're purely interested in my stuff on British horror films, you can view a list of such articles over at Spooky Isles.

Thanks for stopping by.

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