Saturday, 15 March 2014

SINGLE: Silver Trees - Karma Drama (demo) (2013)

Soundcloud Stream (no physical release at time of writing)

Everywhere I look at the moment, Psychedelia seems to be in the air, at least musically speaking. As someone whose record collection has a distinctly psych-bias to it, I'm certainly not complaining, and this piece is the ideal soundtrack for a hazy/sunny afternoon like today.

Silver Trees hail from the Billingham/Hartlepool region of north-east England, and were apparently described by one fan post-gig as "like a hybrid of The Stone Roses and Pink Floyd, but like absolutely off it", which gives you as good a reference point as any for starters. Think I might have to check this bunch out live if they're down my way - the advance word is good.

You can find out more at Silver Trees' Facebook Page.

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