Saturday, 8 March 2014

SINGLE: Dark Bells - Wildflower (2013)

UK: Tape Club Records TCRSS002 (May 2013)

We caught Dark Bells live last night, supporting Temples at Bournemouth's Old Firestation, and those who arrived early were treated to some very psych tinged but also dark and heavy sounds. Their Twitter info describes them as having "the atmosphere of an act you might have found on 4AD in 1983", and they may well have fitted quite snugly on that label's roster of the time as there are echoes of Bauhaus and Cocteau Twins in the mix. Don't mistake them for a nostalgia outfit, though - there's something very fresh in the blend too.

Spotting singer/guitarist Teneil Throssell at the merchandise stall, I enquired whether Dark Bells have a CD out. The answer was something even better: this lovely piece of vinyl (coupling Wildflower with Run For Daze), which Teneil kindly signed for us. I can't resist a 7-inch single, especially one with eye-boggling artwork. A download code is also included, thus saving me the bother of plugging my turntable into the PC.

There's only a limited run of 300, so get your skates on...

You can get more info over at The band's own site is at, and the single is also available as a download at iTunes.

By the way, our copy accidentally came with two inserts, so if you're the unlucky owner of a copy missing the insert and download code, drop me a line and I'll be happy to send it on to you.

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