Wednesday, 6 November 2013

MOVIE: Wind Chill (2007)

Wind Chill

US 2007, 91m, TriStar/Blueprint/Section Eight

DVD: Sony Pictures Entertainment (UK) - Cert 15

Taking the scenic route as they drive home through the snow for Christmas, two college students (a boy and a girl) swerve to avoid another vehicle. Stranded in the middle of nowhere, and with the boy sustaining injuries, they find themselves trapped in a time loop, witnessing a crime which occurred in 1958, happening before their very eyes. Meanwhile, the boy's injuries may be worse than he's been letting on...

Largely ignored on its theatrical release, this is a bit of a hidden gem. Emily Blunt and Ashton Holmes have to carry the bulk of the film in its isolated setting, and do so admirably, helped by a taut script. It's a setup which could so easily become tedious, but director Gregory Jacobs manages to keep things moving whilst also getting across the sheer monotony of their situation, which is no mean feat. The way in which the location is used also manages somehow to make the great outdoors seem uncomfortably claustrophobic.

More than just a spooky story, this is also a tale of redemption, love and tragedy. Helped in no small way by an atmospheric score by Clint Mansell, Wind Chill is a film which gets under the skin and is well worth seeking out.

Meanwhile, at the time of writing, Gregory Jacobs hasn't directed another feature of his own, having returned to producing and first-assistant duties. A great shame.

Original Theatrical Trailer:

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