Thursday, 10 October 2013

TV's GOLDEN MOMENTS: 3. Dave Allen on Death + Irish Funerals (1975)

In our house, Dave Allen's BBC shows through the 70's and 80's were must see TV. For me he was one of the greatest comedians ever, delivering monologues from his black leather chair, usually with a Gauloises on the go and a glass of ginger ale by his side (although everyone assumed it was whisky). He would hold court on a range of subjects, usually around the sheer ludicrousness of everyday life, but most notoriously on the church and religion (for which Irish TV would ban him outright in 1978), and would introduce sketches to illustrate his point.

Here, in a classic piece from 1975, Dave muses on death, and in particular an Irish custom which works on the assumption that only one soul in a graveyard can go to heaven in each day...

With thanks to YouTube user lizziegolucky for sharing.

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